New Enviro Meme: Peak Shale Gas on the horizon as drillers run out of money for more wells

Declining well production means less and less gas from more and more wells, say the enviros. Gas prices will increase and drillers will run out of money for new wells, they add. Continue reading New Enviro Meme: Peak Shale Gas on the horizon as drillers run out of money for more wells

Unfriended-plus: Enviros launch campaign against Facebook CEO Zuckerberg for supporting Keystone XL, ANWR

The downside of wealth creation is that there’s money leftover for wealth destruction. Continue reading Unfriended-plus: Enviros launch campaign against Facebook CEO Zuckerberg for supporting Keystone XL, ANWR

Anti-renewable bill resurrected in North Carolina

“Lawmakers on Wednesday could once again attempt to end a state renewables policy whose proponents say has elevated North Carolina to the nation’s fifth-largest developer of solar farms.” Continue reading Anti-renewable bill resurrected in North Carolina

20 Years Ago: 5-1-93 — EPA claims gasoline air toxics cause 720 cancer deaths per year

But the most recent EPA document on the topic admits the agency is unable to figure out the benefits (i.e., cancer deaths prevented) of reduced gasoline air toxics (i.e., benzene, 1,3-butadiene, formaldehyde, acetylaldehyde, acrolein and naphthalene). Most likely because there aren’t any. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-1-93 — EPA claims gasoline air toxics cause 720 cancer deaths per year