No, the Marcott and Mann hokey sticks (and its inappropriate mixing of proxy and instrumental temperature records & other shortcomings) do not validate yesterday’s Obama attack on Congressional skeptics. Continue reading ‘Bad Astronomer’ touts bad science
Month: April 2013
Industrialized nations’ greenhouse gas emissions dipped in 2011
But global emissions are up. Continue reading Industrialized nations’ greenhouse gas emissions dipped in 2011
British government to roll out solar strategy
One (green) option will be sailing the island south. Continue reading British government to roll out solar strategy
Canadian Green Party: Minister should be ashamed for attacking Hansen
“Ask yourself how long we will tolerate having our highest ranking Canadian officials embarrass internationally by attacking the most courageous of scientists? It is we who are ashamed — of our government.” Continue reading Canadian Green Party: Minister should be ashamed for attacking Hansen
BBC fetes 1938 Callendar global warming paper; Fails to mention Callendar thought global warming would be beneficial
Prof Phil Jones said the steam engineer’s work was “groundbreaking”. Continue reading BBC fetes 1938 Callendar global warming paper; Fails to mention Callendar thought global warming would be beneficial
Prediction: Indian gov’t says global warming will reduce wheat, rice crops 18% by 2020
Mark your calendars to evaluate that prediction. Continue reading Prediction: Indian gov’t says global warming will reduce wheat, rice crops 18% by 2020
Canadian Minister: Put Up Or Shut Up On Keystone XL
As the EPA snipes at the State Department’s approval, Canada’s natural resource minister says failure to approve the pipeline would seriously jeopardize our energy relationship and do nothing to save the earth. Continue reading Canadian Minister: Put Up Or Shut Up On Keystone XL
20 Years Ago: 4-26-93 — EPA threatens Calif. with loss of highway funds over auto inspections
EPA requires California to do “everything we feel is necessary.” No doubt this is the sort of federalism our founders had in mind? Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-26-93 — EPA threatens Calif. with loss of highway funds over auto inspections
Green Hell: “We’re blinded by next door’s solar panels”
Mr Phipps, 51, says his three-bedroom detached home is lit up “like a tanning salon” for several hours a day when the sun shines. Continue reading Green Hell: “We’re blinded by next door’s solar panels”
Quarantining Alberta Oil
“Today it makes economic sense for Canadian industry to invest the tens of billions required to build Keystone and other pipelines, and to develop the tar sands projects that will fill them with oil. Tomorrow, it may not.” Continue reading Quarantining Alberta Oil
Greenpeace UK: ‘Fracking remains a fantasy and a dangerous distraction from renewables’
“We believe the UK’s shale resources should be exploited, but that looks difficult given local opposition to drilling. There has to be a way of getting to communities.” Continue reading Greenpeace UK: ‘Fracking remains a fantasy and a dangerous distraction from renewables’
Top Climate Adviser Seeks Apolitical Debate on Australia Targets
Climate… apolitical? Continue reading Top Climate Adviser Seeks Apolitical Debate on Australia Targets