“But how many lives, exactly, are being ‘saved,’ under what circumstances and at what cost?” Continue reading NYTimes Mag: ‘Our Feel Good War on Breast Cancer’
Month: April 2013
Gov. Chris Christie reduces clean energy welfare in NJ: Enviros label him ‘either a liar or a flip-flopper’
“New Jersey is a lapsed state. It has succumbed to the dark side.” Continue reading Gov. Chris Christie reduces clean energy welfare in NJ: Enviros label him ‘either a liar or a flip-flopper’
Australian Emissions Plummet 4.7%
It only took higher taxes, higher energy bills and higher unemployment. Continue reading Australian Emissions Plummet 4.7%
20 Years Ago: 4-28-93 — EPA to study cancer risk from chlorinated water vapor in showers
A golden oldie from the environmentalist war against the periodic table. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-28-93 — EPA to study cancer risk from chlorinated water vapor in showers
Warmist PhD: ‘ That means that most likely more than 100% of the warming is due to human activity’ — Then insults skeptics!
Enviros Unfriended: Zuckerberg’s advocacy group in favor of Keystone XL, opening ANWR
Two years ago, Zuckerberg touted Facebook’s “clean energy” efforts. Looks like he’s matured since then. Continue reading Enviros Unfriended: Zuckerberg’s advocacy group in favor of Keystone XL, opening ANWR
Hansen calls pro-Keystone Canadian gov’t ‘Neanderthal,’ ‘In the hip pocket of fossil fuel industry’
“In an interview with Evan Solomon airing Saturday on CBC Radio’s The House, James Hansen defended his position that approving the proposed pipeline would be disastrous for the environment.” Continue reading Hansen calls pro-Keystone Canadian gov’t ‘Neanderthal,’ ‘In the hip pocket of fossil fuel industry’
Somali pirates interfere with warmist research
Warmists actually asked the State Department and others for armed escorts for research vessels — as if someone should risk their life for warmism. Continue reading Somali pirates interfere with warmist research
20 Years Ago: 4-27-93 — Senate rejects bill to elevate EPA to cabinet status
The bare-bones bill was rejected 54-42. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-27-93 — Senate rejects bill to elevate EPA to cabinet status
California eyes penny-per-ounce tax on sodas and energy drinks to combat child obesity
“Taxes shouldn’t be a tool for social engineering or an instrument to penalize Californians for doing nothing wrong.” Continue reading California eyes penny-per-ounce tax on sodas and energy drinks to combat child obesity
NOAA: Northeast shelf sea temps highest in 150 years — cause, meaning unknown
Previous high occurred in 1951. Continue reading NOAA: Northeast shelf sea temps highest in 150 years — cause, meaning unknown
Gangster EPA bullied contractor to drop politically incorrect clients
Environmental Protection Agency officials bullied a contractor into cutting ties with an air policy coalition designed to help states with cumbersome EPA clean air rules, the American Tradition Institute said Thursday. Continue reading Gangster EPA bullied contractor to drop politically incorrect clients