“Gina McCarthy, who faces a hearing Thursday morning on her fitness to serve as EPA administrator, was primarily responsible for EPA’s promotion of an automotive air conditioning refrigerant that caused engine fires in Mercedes Benz testing, MailOnline can report.” Continue reading EPA nominee to get tough questions about why she approved new car air-conditioning refrigerant that caused ENGINE FIRES in Mercedes-Benz tests
Month: April 2013
Experiment involving 1,300 premature infants ‘failed to adequately inform parents’ of treatment risks
“They went out of their way to tell you that your kid might benefit. But they didn’t give the flip side, which is that there is a chance your kid might end up worse off. You can’t have it both ways.” Continue reading Experiment involving 1,300 premature infants ‘failed to adequately inform parents’ of treatment risks
EPA nominee Gina McCarthy approved refrigerant that can make your car catch on fire
“Gina McCarthy approved the promotion of a dangerous product that threatens American lives and jobs.” Continue reading EPA nominee Gina McCarthy approved refrigerant that can make your car catch on fire
Darryl Hannah: ‘We need to move away from ‘toxic’ to ‘clean’ energy because you can’t not believe in toxins’ — RealityDrop: Solar and wind ‘pollute’ too
Darryl Hannah described her decision to produce the warmist documentary Greedy Lying Bastards as a “no-brainer.” She was clearly qualified. Continue reading Darryl Hannah: ‘We need to move away from ‘toxic’ to ‘clean’ energy because you can’t not believe in toxins’ — RealityDrop: Solar and wind ‘pollute’ too
Warmists laugh at Congressman Joe Barton for citing biblical flood as climate-related: Do they also snicker at Katharine Hayhoe and other evangelical allies?
Does the Left laugh at evangelical warmists as useful idiots? Continue reading Warmists laugh at Congressman Joe Barton for citing biblical flood as climate-related: Do they also snicker at Katharine Hayhoe and other evangelical allies?
This man wants to lecture you on food and obesity — Yale’s Kelly Brownell: How many meals has he missed?
Not too many from the looks of it. Continue reading This man wants to lecture you on food and obesity — Yale’s Kelly Brownell: How many meals has he missed?
Study: Bloomberg soda ban would backfire; UC-San Diego researchers say ‘people buy more soda when offered packs of smaller sizes than if buying single large drink’
“Restricting soda servings may induce people to buy more soda than when offered larger sized drinks.” Continue reading Study: Bloomberg soda ban would backfire; UC-San Diego researchers say ‘people buy more soda when offered packs of smaller sizes than if buying single large drink’
Video: Chris Essex’s ‘Believing Six Impossible Things before Breakfast, and Climate Models’
From the 2011 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness meeting. Continue reading Video: Chris Essex’s ‘Believing Six Impossible Things before Breakfast, and Climate Models’
Video: Willie Soon talks sun-climate connections
From the 2011 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness meeting. Continue reading Video: Willie Soon talks sun-climate connections
Mann and armchair Irish warmist attempt to push meme of threats against them
Mutually reinforcing tweets from twits. Continue reading Mann and armchair Irish warmist attempt to push meme of threats against them
Senators: EPA nominee has ignored most requests for transparency; ‘Wholly unresponsive’ to request for scientific data
“Gina McCarthy has ignored most of questions about ending the “process of secrecy” at the Environmental Protection Agency, according to several senators tasked with reviewing her nomination to replace Lisa Jackson as EPA administrator.” Continue reading Senators: EPA nominee has ignored most requests for transparency; ‘Wholly unresponsive’ to request for scientific data
Report: U.S. Shale Boom Threatens Russia’s Energy Economy — RealityDrop: Obama admin against gas exports to NATO allies now hooked on Russian gas
Still amazed Obama won’t help NATO allies against Putin energy tyranny. Continue reading Report: U.S. Shale Boom Threatens Russia’s Energy Economy — RealityDrop: Obama admin against gas exports to NATO allies now hooked on Russian gas