Fracking disclosure site has ‘serious deficiencies,’ study says

“A government-mandated website on which oil and gas companies list chemicals they pump into the ground at hydraulic fracturing sites has “serious deficiencies,” according to a study by Harvard Law School released Tuesday.” Continue reading Fracking disclosure site has ‘serious deficiencies,’ study says

Saudi Arabia blocks climate change from UN sustainable development goals

“International recognition that sustainable development cannot be achieved without renewable energy is not in the interest of Saudi Arabia, Venezuela or any other oil exporting countries.” Continue reading Saudi Arabia blocks climate change from UN sustainable development goals

Claim: Air pollution linked to atherosclerosis

It’s debatable whether smoking causes atherosclerosis, a condition that develops naturally and could be affected by myriad other factors. The notion of ambient air quality causing it is ridiculous. Continue reading Claim: Air pollution linked to atherosclerosis

Media Matters says ‘climate change’ was a GOP euphemism

Right-o. That’s why the UN group is called the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” — established in 1988, 14 years before Frank Luntz talked about “climate change” as a less scary term. Continue reading Media Matters says ‘climate change’ was a GOP euphemism

Study: Lawns emit more CO2 than corn fields; Add to urban heat island effect

The results suggest that urban heat islands may be working at smaller scales than previously thought. Continue reading Study: Lawns emit more CO2 than corn fields; Add to urban heat island effect

‘Anti-intellectualism’ and retired realtor blamed for defeat of North Carolina sea-level rise bill

A group of North Carolina businesses “chose to embrace run-of-the-mill anti-global-warming arguments and cloaked itself with dubious ‘experts’ whose scientific views are at the outermost fringes of climate science. They started a war and won the first battle.” Congrats to John Droz. Continue reading ‘Anti-intellectualism’ and retired realtor blamed for defeat of North Carolina sea-level rise bill