Michael Mann still trying to silence critics; Wants opinion writer fired from newspaper for joke about warmist industry tried by hanging judge

Michael Mann goes after Telegraph columnist James Delingpole for joshing the climate alarmist industry ought to answer questions before a hanging judge.

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Click for Delingpole’s explanation.

Click for the Climategate exposure of Mann’s effort to silence critics.

6 thoughts on “Michael Mann still trying to silence critics; Wants opinion writer fired from newspaper for joke about warmist industry tried by hanging judge”

  1. Two words that should always, ALWAYS be associated with Michael Mann:
    1) ClimateGate.
    2) Busted.

  2. Good luck with that Mikey. Dellers just won the 2013 Bloggie for best political blog. Newspaper owners notice little things like global awards.

    Given the numbers of actual deaths due to policies advocated by CAGW activists, which is what I regard Dr Mann to be, I think manslaughter could be an apt charge.

    Dr Mann when you come out against ethanol mandates causing food prices to rise and starving Africans, when you criticise carbon taxes for raising power prices and causing poor pensioners to freeze to death in the dark, then we might listen to you. Until that time you are a bloody hypocrite.

  3. alright this is not the most high minded contribution to this debate but has anyone else noticed that Mike Mann has a pig face?

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