Flashback: James Hansen agrees that Science, Nature mags put out propaganda on global warming

Common ground with Hansen is attained.

From a 2000 interview with the American Institute of Physics:

Weart: But I think the people who argue against global warming would say that Science and Nature gives propaganda for [their opponents]. Maybe that’s more recently.

Hansen: I would actually agree with them.

2 thoughts on “Flashback: James Hansen agrees that Science, Nature mags put out propaganda on global warming”

  1. The NatGeo geography article template is:

    o This place is great;

    o Man is screwing all up.

  2. I used to like watching “Animal” shows, and reading NatGeo and other interesting things like American Scientific…. BUT…. its all propaganda now. EVERY animal show, most of the mags, even NatGeo, are chock full of propaganda.

    With the animal shows, I’ll occasionally wager with Pop, will it arrive in the first part of the show where they try and beat you to death throughout, OR…. will it be “Guilt Trip” type in the latter 10-15 mins. Ya never know which it will be, BUT… you KNOW it will be there somewhere!

    I have to admit, I still occasionally watch the animal shows though, I just have to leave the mute on and make up my own dialog to go with the pretty pictures! It can be amusing….

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