EU to vote tomorrow on propping up carbon market; Delay sought in issuance of 900 million tons of permits

“With prices languishing at less than €5 per tonne – because of a glut of the carbon allowances that allow companies to pollute without penalty – it risks instead becoming an embarrassing EU policy failure.”

Read more at the Financial Times.

2 thoughts on “EU to vote tomorrow on propping up carbon market; Delay sought in issuance of 900 million tons of permits”

  1. CO2 is NOT a pollutant.
    So the phrase “pollute without penalty” is incorrect.

  2. Carbon trading is essentially like selling indulgences — except it’s being funded with tax dollars and corporate dollars, meaning it comes out of the hide of taxpayers and anyone who buys goods and services. It is very hard to believe that anyone wants to prop up a meaningless but costly “trade” in a nonsensical commodity. Heck, even indulgences were essentially charity and weren’t traded in speculation.

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