EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job

That doesn’t include jobs created for lawyers and lobbyists, including at the utility GE is now suing — all over a clean-up that is not only unnecessary, but actually causing water pollution.

Read more at the Glens Falls Post-Star.

In 2009, GE had to suspend ist dredging because of spreading pollution.

8 thoughts on “EPA’s Destructive Workfare Economics: Pointless GE PCB clean-up creates 350 jobs at a cost of $2.86 million per job”

  1. Howdy back, MT. So as to be clear, I fully support an armed “thin blue line,” and only because criminals will always avail themselves of whatever weapons they can get their hands on to outgun the legal authorities–whether they’re firearms, pressure-cookers, or a pack of matches to start wildfires in Colorado or elsewhere:


    My fear is that the younger members of the law enforcement community (my blessed nephew included) are being conditioned to believe all outdoorsmen are potential criminals, and that they’re becoming the new agents for the government’s property-stealing, “social change” agenda:


  2. Point well taken, Ben. Most fresh-water fishermen, however, spend their time on small lakes not given to oil tankers, Coast Guard (or Navy) Vessels, or shipping channels.

  3. I don’t know about you, but around here, all law enforcement officers wear their sidearms at all times, and if you go fishing without a license in the ship channel, you will be greeted by the Coast Guard with their anti-piracy 50-caliber on the bow.

  4. Agreed, MT Geoff. But at my last assessment, most fresh water fishermen are unarmed, unangry, and wanting to spend a few peaceful hours on the lake. The last thing one would expect to encounter is an armed NJ Transit police officer. If that’s the new normal, I’ll keep the boat on the trailer.

  5. Howdy ILM
    A very small number of polluters are doing so in knowing violation of the law and sometimes in conjunction with other crimes. As a result, even EPA law enforcement officers may find themselves facing armed offenders. I understand arming environmental enforcers. (“Enforcer” is not a pejorative but an accurate description of a necessary job.) FWP officers have been armed all along, I think, because their work often involves tense confrontations with armed hunters.

  6. Steve, here’s an example of “fully armed” workplace economics for you. After reading earlier this evening your quote of Joe Farah in your book “Green Hell,” “I suspect that most Americans would be shocked to learn that agents of the EPA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Army Corps of Engineers are packing heat . . . why do EPA agents need to be armed?” (pp. 136-137) a shiver went down my spine. Apparently the NJ Transit Police feel they need to be armed, as well–while floating turtle-sunning platforms on Grenloch Lake in Washington Twp., Gloucester County, NJ, 08032. (Looks like NJ Transit Police Officer DeBiase has a Glock 9mm strapped to her thigh to ward off the Eastern Chain Pickeral known to inhabit the lake). NJ Transit caused the diesel pollution to begin with, on the lake I grew up on as a boy with my buddies and our canoes.

    http://www.nj.com/washington-township-times/index.ssf/2013/04/nj_transit_installs-turtle_pla.html (in the photo array at the head of the article, take special note of photo #6).

    Great book, Mr. Milloy.

  7. Dredging is a messy business. For those who don’t know, it effectively is a big vacuum cleaner with a big spinning brush in the mud. You get a lot of the mud out, but almost as much gets swirled up into the water. If it’s a small pond, you can easily choke all your fish with the mud upturned.

    Brief research will inform anyone that PCBs break down naturally, though slowly, and as long as they are stationary in the mud, they don’t pose any threat to anyone. Just like tons of buildings still have asbestos throughout because it’s only dangerous if removed, they should have left this alone.

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