Enviros Unfriended: Zuckerberg’s advocacy group in favor of Keystone XL, opening ANWR

Two years ago, Zuckerberg touted Facebook’s “clean energy” efforts. Looks like he’s matured since then.

“Mark Zuckerberg’s new political group, which bills itself as a bipartisan entity dedicated to passing immigration reform, has spent considerable resources on ads advocating a host of anti-environmental causes — including driling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and constructing the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.”

Read more at ClimateProgress.

One thought on “Enviros Unfriended: Zuckerberg’s advocacy group in favor of Keystone XL, opening ANWR”

  1. Uh-oh, the comments indicate that a lot of them are going to cancel their facebook accounts. Yeah, right, sure they are. Its ironic they were all using facebook to moan and groan about rich people and how the oil sands which is oil and sand with water and bitumen added to it so it will flow, according to one comment. Basically they all just hate “dirty oil” and greedy rich people and it’s beyond their capacity to understand how anybody could hold an opposing view. After all, their view is the only correct one. Unbelievable, they are just like fundamentalist. You are not going to convince them that doom isn’t just around the corner if we don’t repent of our environmental sins.

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