Warmist PhD: ‘ That means that most likely more than 100% of the warming is due to human activity’ — Then insults skeptics!

‘Nuf said. Continue reading Warmist PhD: ‘ That means that most likely more than 100% of the warming is due to human activity’ — Then insults skeptics!

Enviros Unfriended: Zuckerberg’s advocacy group in favor of Keystone XL, opening ANWR

Two years ago, Zuckerberg touted Facebook’s “clean energy” efforts. Looks like he’s matured since then. Continue reading Enviros Unfriended: Zuckerberg’s advocacy group in favor of Keystone XL, opening ANWR

Hansen calls pro-Keystone Canadian gov’t ‘Neanderthal,’ ‘In the hip pocket of fossil fuel industry’

“In an interview with Evan Solomon airing Saturday on CBC Radio’s The House, James Hansen defended his position that approving the proposed pipeline would be disastrous for the environment.” Continue reading Hansen calls pro-Keystone Canadian gov’t ‘Neanderthal,’ ‘In the hip pocket of fossil fuel industry’