Baked Alaska: Murkowski says global warming is real, cause irrelevant — and let’s keep burning fossil fuels

“”It doesn’t make sense to argue about how much global warming is caused by man—whether it’s 5% or 50%. The best approach is to have a no regrets policy.” Continue reading Baked Alaska: Murkowski says global warming is real, cause irrelevant — and let’s keep burning fossil fuels

Irony: New Jersey utility’s ‘climate plan’: Protect fossil fuel plants from severe weather

This probably isn’t what Al Gore had in mind. Continue reading Irony: New Jersey utility’s ‘climate plan’: Protect fossil fuel plants from severe weather

John Kerry: We must ‘safeguard our God-given natural resources… for future generations’ — So who gets to use them and when?

Answers: No one and never. Continue reading John Kerry: We must ‘safeguard our God-given natural resources… for future generations’ — So who gets to use them and when?

Solar Inefficiency: More solar workers than coal miners in U.S. but coal provides 210 times more electricity

The heavily subsidized solar industry is little more than workfare. Continue reading Solar Inefficiency: More solar workers than coal miners in U.S. but coal provides 210 times more electricity

Greenpeace Admits: No link between Arctic warming and frigid spring

“The link between polar warming and our cold snaps is still unproven, as there are multiple natural forcings which affect the length and severity of the UK’s winters.” Continue reading Greenpeace Admits: No link between Arctic warming and frigid spring

Greeny Lying Bastards

“Ironically, many shots in the movie show last summer’s Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado Springs, Colorado while Rosenbraugh nods sympathetically as people talk about losing their luxury homes in the blaze he attributed to global warming. Not mentioned is that when Rosenbraugh previously acted as spokesman for the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), he advocated torching such homes.” Continue reading Greeny Lying Bastards

20 Years Ago: 4-23-93 — Greenpeace sets off air raid siren during European Community meeting on global warming

A banner was simultaneously unfurled that read: “EC – Free Us From Climate Disaster.” Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-23-93 — Greenpeace sets off air raid siren during European Community meeting on global warming