Ineptocracy: Incompetence and Dysfunction Rampant at Energy Department

Nowhere have the ineptocrats been more evident than in President Obama’s Department of Energy, under the management of soon-departing Secretary Steven Chu. Continue reading Ineptocracy: Incompetence and Dysfunction Rampant at Energy Department

Low salt campaign backfires: Study reports rise in sodium intake despite warnings; Low-salt linked with obesity?

Less salt means people eat more food. Continue reading Low salt campaign backfires: Study reports rise in sodium intake despite warnings; Low-salt linked with obesity?

Enviros spin upcoming pipeline defeat: ‘The anti-Keystone movement was never just about blocking a pipeline’

“It aimed to awaken a new environmental movement—and it’s already succeeded.” Continue reading Enviros spin upcoming pipeline defeat: ‘The anti-Keystone movement was never just about blocking a pipeline’

Confused: The Nation warns global warming will cause ‘breakdown of social order or the collapse of states’

Isn’t that what the comrades want? Continue reading Confused: The Nation warns global warming will cause ‘breakdown of social order or the collapse of states’

Study: Global warming to outpace evolution — species won’t adapt, they’ll just go extinct

“Earth’s regional climate zones will shift more quickly in response to warming as the globe grows hotter in coming decades, according to a study published online in Nature Climate Change on Sunday. This is likely to make it harder for species to cope, raising the risk of extinction.” Continue reading Study: Global warming to outpace evolution — species won’t adapt, they’ll just go extinct

Utility lawyer: Enviros misusing zoning laws to block coal exports, undermine the coal industry

“And I don’t believe it’s a good-faith effort to address either the environmental effects of trains or terminals. If the environmentalists really cared about that direct environmental impact, they should have raised it long ago.” Continue reading Utility lawyer: Enviros misusing zoning laws to block coal exports, undermine the coal industry

Backfire: Enviros celebrate famous 1938 global warming paper — but author concluded CO2 emissions ‘likely to prove beneficial to mankind’

From The Guardian on Earth Day: Continue reading Backfire: Enviros celebrate famous 1938 global warming paper — but author concluded CO2 emissions ‘likely to prove beneficial to mankind’

20 Years Ago: 4-22-93 — John Christy says dire reports of global warming not based on reliable data; Satellite data show no warming

From the days when a skeptic could get published in the MSM — here, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Christy offers a good overview of the satellite monitoring system he and Roy Spencer developed. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-22-93 — John Christy says dire reports of global warming not based on reliable data; Satellite data show no warming