Copenhagen to be carbon neutral by 2025; Hilarious photo

A photo accompanying the article is captioned “Copenhagen already gets much of its electricity from wind power (photo: Justin Gerdes)”. Note coal plant blazing away in background. Continue reading Copenhagen to be carbon neutral by 2025; Hilarious photo

NYTimes: Audubon birders report 60% of N. American birds moving north because of global warming

But there hasn’t been any warming in 17 years. Continue reading NYTimes: Audubon birders report 60% of N. American birds moving north because of global warming

Calif. fails to spend $455 million of federal money on drinking water improvements; EPA says “It’s really unacceptable”

“More than half of California’s population relies on a drinking water supply contaminated by arsenic, nitrates and other contaminants.” Continue reading Calif. fails to spend $455 million of federal money on drinking water improvements; EPA says “It’s really unacceptable”

Enviros blame fracking for deadly Texas fertilizer plant explosion

“The U.S. could soon be home to a lot more ammonia factories — not a comforting thought after a deadly explosion at an ammonia fertilizer plant in Texas on Wednesday evening. You can blame the fracking boom.” Continue reading Enviros blame fracking for deadly Texas fertilizer plant explosion

Mark Ruffalo in NYTimes: ‘Multiple proofs’ of fracking causing groundwater contamination — EPA: ‘No proven cases’

Artists Against Fracking maintain in the NYTimes that fracking-caused groundwater contamination is a fact. The EPA begs to differ. Continue reading Mark Ruffalo in NYTimes: ‘Multiple proofs’ of fracking causing groundwater contamination — EPA: ‘No proven cases’

Science vs. Sensationalism: Is the Earth absorbing the energy from 400,000 Hiroshima bombs every day, as Hansen claims?

We report. You decide. Continue reading Science vs. Sensationalism: Is the Earth absorbing the energy from 400,000 Hiroshima bombs every day, as Hansen claims?

20 Years Ago: 4-20-93 — President Clinton declines to make specific global warming commitment in first Earth Day address

In 1992, then-Sen. Al Gore had criticized President George H.W. Bush for weakening the global warming treaty to delete specific targets before he would sign it at the Earth Summit. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 4-20-93 — President Clinton declines to make specific global warming commitment in first Earth Day address