Greenpeace: “Why do governments spend $105bn a year on nuclear weapons, rather than on mitigating the risks of the true WMD – ‘weather of mass destruction’?”

“Climate change and a carbon-intensive economy are already responsible for 5 million deaths each year.” Continue reading Greenpeace: “Why do governments spend $105bn a year on nuclear weapons, rather than on mitigating the risks of the true WMD – ‘weather of mass destruction’?”

Gorbachev urges “sustainable perestroika” to save Earth; “All that has been done is too late, and it’s not enough”

He urged governments to use his policies of “perestroika” (restructuring) and “glasnost” (openness) — which ushered in democratic changes that led against his will to the collapse of the Soviet Union — to address climate change and overconsumption of resources. Continue reading Gorbachev urges “sustainable perestroika” to save Earth; “All that has been done is too late, and it’s not enough”

Enviro: EPA planning ‘mother of all clean air regulations’; Would shut down new and existing coal plants to cut emissions

… but don’t expect to see it until after the 2014 elections. Continue reading Enviro: EPA planning ‘mother of all clean air regulations’; Would shut down new and existing coal plants to cut emissions

Delingpole: ‘Large numbers of warmist rats jumping off the ship’ — except UK PM David Cameron

“… even the Ecommunist, for heaven’s sake…” Continue reading Delingpole: ‘Large numbers of warmist rats jumping off the ship’ — except UK PM David Cameron