GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) gets the mercury con. Continue reading GOP Congressman says you could subpoena all medical records from 60 miles around any coal plant and never find case of mercury poisoning

Utility Lawyer: If there were a truth-in-advertising rule for EPA, agency would constantly be in front of the FTC

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. None of the benefits (or only very little, $500,000?) estimated for EPA’s “Mercury Air Toxics Standard” (costing $10 billion) came from mercury reduction. Continue reading Utility Lawyer: If there were a truth-in-advertising rule for EPA, agency would constantly be in front of the FTC

Study: Chinese CO2 emissions make Chinese daily temps spike 2-3-degrees F — Claim based on ClimatePlayStation (i.e., modeling)

AP: “People don’t notice changes in averages, but they feel it when the daily high is hotter or when it doesn’t cool off at night to let them recover from a sweltering day.” Continue reading Study: Chinese CO2 emissions make Chinese daily temps spike 2-3-degrees F — Claim based on ClimatePlayStation (i.e., modeling)

NYU med prof claims bus exhaust caused 3-week hospitalization for asthma attack — RealityDrop: EPA exposes asthmatics to 10x more diesel with no harm

From the ongoing Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing. As it turns out, the “victim” had a pre-existing pulmonary condition but nevertheless stood at the bus exhaust pipe for 5 minutes or so. Continue reading NYU med prof claims bus exhaust caused 3-week hospitalization for asthma attack — RealityDrop: EPA exposes asthmatics to 10x more diesel with no harm

Reuters: Lack of warming no reason to change climate policy — RealityDrop: Re-think would finish-off MSM credibility

“This slowdown may indicate that the more extreme estimates for climate sensitivity are less likely to prove true. It is not yet an argument for changing the central estimates.” Continue reading Reuters: Lack of warming no reason to change climate policy — RealityDrop: Re-think would finish-off MSM credibility

Enviros accuse Sen. Barrasso of medical malpractice for supporting coal — RealityDrop: Coal burning is one of the greatest public health boons ever

Burning coal for electricity was a key part of the 20th century boom in the American standard of living. Continue reading Enviros accuse Sen. Barrasso of medical malpractice for supporting coal — RealityDrop: Coal burning is one of the greatest public health boons ever

Laugher: Montana enviro says exporting Montana coal would kill Chinese — RealityDrop: Chinese coal isn’t killing any Chinese

Montana could be contributing to the death and destruction of China’s people. Continue reading Laugher: Montana enviro says exporting Montana coal would kill Chinese — RealityDrop: Chinese coal isn’t killing any Chinese

California lists BPA under Proposition 65; Another non-toxic chemical made toxic by decree

The American Chemistry Council is suing the state to keep BPA off the list. Continue reading California lists BPA under Proposition 65; Another non-toxic chemical made toxic by decree

Milloy in WashTimes: Another dim bulb for energy

By Steve Milloy
April 12, 2013, Washington Times

President Obama’s nomination of Ernest Moniz for secretary of energy seemed at first to offer some promise for the hapless department. Continue reading Milloy in WashTimes: Another dim bulb for energy