Climate change did not cause 2012 US drought, says government report

“The Central Great Plains drought during May-August of 2012 resulted mostly from natural variations in weather,” the report said. Continue reading Climate change did not cause 2012 US drought, says government report

Mexico City’s Bloomberg takes salt off restaurant tables; Diners need to ask — ‘Me puede dar la sal, por favor?’

“Mexico City Health Secretary Armando Ahued launched a campaign, dubbed ‘Less Salt, More Health,’ late last week to get restaurants to take salt shakers off their tables.” Continue reading Mexico City’s Bloomberg takes salt off restaurant tables; Diners need to ask — ‘Me puede dar la sal, por favor?’

Daily Mail: Boxer effort to downplay secret EPA e-mail accounts scandal is ‘nonsense’

“The claim that “everybody does it” is utterly unfounded and no one has provided any support for that claim.” Continue reading Daily Mail: Boxer effort to downplay secret EPA e-mail accounts scandal is ‘nonsense’

USDA Climate Head: Global Warming To Bring More ‘Miserable Days’ — says another under-qualified, over-employed Obamacrat?

“The director of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Climate Change Program said Wednesday that global warming will cause an increase in the number of “miserable days” over the next several years.” Continue reading USDA Climate Head: Global Warming To Bring More ‘Miserable Days’ — says another under-qualified, over-employed Obamacrat?

CDC tracking how often people ‘feel very tired’ or ‘exhausted’

“Based on responses to the following: ‘In the past 3 months, how often did you feel very tired or exhausted? Would you say never, some days, most days, or every day?'” Well, we’re very tired of unlimited, intrusive and abusive government. Continue reading CDC tracking how often people ‘feel very tired’ or ‘exhausted’