8 thoughts on “Wind Industry: Turbines defy physics, no drop in performance with age”

  1. The longevity comes from over-estimated operational output. The sun shines less and winds don;t blow. Check this link that illustrates my point.

    Germany’s Wind Performance Was Just As Bad As Great Britain’s – Sun And Wind Are Often AWOL!

  2. I think the theoretical maximum for wind power is that a windmill can remove 57% of the power from the air flowing over the blades.

    Faster wind speeds also do not necessarily help – optimal speeds do. If the wind blows fast they are restricted, if the wind blows way to fast they are shut down.

  3. This actually can happen – for instance with new cars, your best performance from the engine is at about 60K miles – this is because that is the point where the parts have “warn” optimally to fit together.

    I can see – a few years after installation that the output gets 1 – 2% better. and then starts deteriorating.

    That or Al Gore is now blowing so much hot air, all the turbines in the world are spinning at max!

  4. If the wind blows more, the efficiency goes up. This needs an explanation? Call me when they reach 50%. I’ll not hold my breath….

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