Secondhand Smoke Goes Big Brother: Dartmouth researchers invent real time secondhand smoke sensor

“The researchers expect to soon convert the prototype, which is smaller and lighter than a cellphone, into a wearable, affordable and reusable device that helps to enforce no smoking regulations and sheds light on the pervasiveness of secondhand smoke. The sensor can also detect thirdhand smoke, or nicotine off-gassing from clothing, furniture, car seats and other material.”

Read the media release.

12 thoughts on “Secondhand Smoke Goes Big Brother: Dartmouth researchers invent real time secondhand smoke sensor”

  1. Cut the crap! What’s really wrong with 2d hand smoke is, it smells bad. Nothing more!

  2. Well chaps and lassies, there was a large study – I mean LARGE study in Europe many years ago which demonstrated in its results that living with smokers actually conferred a form of immunity against cancer. That study has been politely ignored in the feeding frenzy of the moral sharks.

  3. I think I just saw someone smoking a cigarette about 100 yards (meters) downwind from me. Should I make a flyijng trip to the ER, or is it too late?

  4. “The sensor can also detect thirdhand smoke, or nicotine off-gassing from clothing, furniture, car seats and other material”

    i.e. Can’t tell the DIFFERENCE between “second hand smoke” and the “presence of nicotine long after the smoke is gone and any legitimate risk is present.”

  5. This thing might actually be useful to someone who is actively trying to quit smoking. Smoking odors can be powerful psychological triggers to light up. Finding and removing/cleaning surfaces that harbor these would help significantly.

  6. “affordable”

    What price point would you look for?

    Pricks’ noses are free. Why would they pay for something to detect what they can smell?

  7. “can also detect thirdhand smoke, or nicotine off-gassing from clothing” … Dang, this thing is military-grade!

    But seriously, folks, I don’t think even the EPA crisis factory has dreamed up a scenario that involves nicotine off-gassing.

  8. This does give “silly” a whole new paragraph. And if someone actually pays attention to this thing, it could become “intrusive” as well.
    I know a few gentlemen who smoke heavily. Their clothing would set off a detector that was still in the store wrapping, I bet. I find it distasteful but otherwise it’s their business rather than mine.

  9. ROTFLOL! Well, if you GO to THOSE sorts of parties, it would be OK to wear one. But… here’s the thing: what is the mechanism that makes the smoke hazardous? Hot smoke inhaled is more reactive than cold smoke, with chemicals cooled and already reduced or oxidized by time in the air. So, what do people postulate is the mechanism for damage for — what? — three day old smoke odor from a shirt? Or even 2 minute old smoke? Anybody got the scoop on that?

  10. Well this device DOES seem to be a perfectly good means of bypassing common sense. Wear one at parties, if you get invited to any….

  11. I wish they could come up with a second hand intelligence detector. I would think that this would me more useful.

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