Unleashed: Michelle Obama says dogs need balanced diets, exercise too

During her Google Hangout today, First Lady Michelle Obama reminded the audience that dogs need a proper diet and exercise, just like children do. Continue reading Unleashed: Michelle Obama says dogs need balanced diets, exercise too

Victory: JunkScience forces Juliet Eilperin out of WaPo environment beat

JunkScience has been after her since 2009, with WaPo ombudsman support. No doubt she will deny… just like she did her conflict of interest, until it became too much even for the Post. Continue reading Victory: JunkScience forces Juliet Eilperin out of WaPo environment beat

Coal Industry on EPA Nominee: ‘Thank you sir, may I have another?’

Check out the battered-spouse-syndrome statement from the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE). Continue reading Coal Industry on EPA Nominee: ‘Thank you sir, may I have another?’

Sun Ignores Scientists’ Predictions: Sunspots activity opposite of NASA expectations

“NASA says that something unexpected is happening on the Sun. This year, 2013, is supposed to be the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle—the year of Solar Max. Yet solar activity is well below the expected level.” Continue reading Sun Ignores Scientists’ Predictions: Sunspots activity opposite of NASA expectations

Obama’s fracking-friendly energy pick has environmentalists up in arms

“Dr. Moniz understands the clear environmental benefits associated the safe development and use of clean-burning American natural gas,” a Marcellus Shale Coalition spokesman told The Washington Examiner. Continue reading Obama’s fracking-friendly energy pick has environmentalists up in arms