WaPo on Snowquester Bust: ‘It’s Nature that messed this up’

“Still, I blame the storm more than I blame the computer models. The models are pretty good. It’s Nature that messed this up.” Continue reading WaPo on Snowquester Bust: ‘It’s Nature that messed this up’

New Green Slogan: ’40×35 — A Zero-Carbon Energy Target for the World’s Largest Economies’

From the Center for American Progress. Maybe Juliet Eilperin will figure a way to flack for this on her new White House beat. Continue reading New Green Slogan: ’40×35 — A Zero-Carbon Energy Target for the World’s Largest Economies’

Exxon: New oil/gas production will add 2-3% annually to GDP by end of decade

Hopdefully, that will be combine with declining Obama-ism to restart our economy. Continue reading Exxon: New oil/gas production will add 2-3% annually to GDP by end of decade

Greens: With Chavez dead, Venezuela should go low-carbon for climate

“The death of the Venezuelan president opens the door for a policy debate on a critical issue for Venezuela and the world’s security: climate change.” How about a policy debate on freedom? Continue reading Greens: With Chavez dead, Venezuela should go low-carbon for climate

Snowquester Recap: 6-10 inches predicted for DC in the morning; Actual accumulation by evening about 1 inch

But in 100 years, mean global temperature will be X-degrees higher? Continue reading Snowquester Recap: 6-10 inches predicted for DC in the morning; Actual accumulation by evening about 1 inch

Report: Extent of Tar Sands Development Hinges on Keystone XL

“Shipping oil by rail is two to three times more costly than by pipeline and can reach as high as $15 a barrel for some distances, said Monaco of Calgary-based Enbridge.” Continue reading Report: Extent of Tar Sands Development Hinges on Keystone XL