Pot, Kettle: Joe Romm on Joe Nocera — ‘CMO (Chief Misinformation Officer) of the climate ignorati’

But the only difference between Joe Romm and Joe Nocera is time. Both are still wrong. Climate change is irreversible on any scale. Continue reading Pot, Kettle: Joe Romm on Joe Nocera — ‘CMO (Chief Misinformation Officer) of the climate ignorati’

Exposure data ‘Achilles’ heel’ of air quality research

“The lack of quality exposure data is the “Achilles’ heel” of research on the health impacts of air pollution, King’s College London Professor Frank Kelly said last week.” Continue reading Exposure data ‘Achilles’ heel’ of air quality research

Like Mann, Like Marcott: How the new hockey stick hides the decline (too!)

ClimateAudit decscribes how Marcott eliminated 20th century cooling and created an uptick instead in the new hockey stick. Continue reading Like Mann, Like Marcott: How the new hockey stick hides the decline (too!)

Climategate 3.0: ‘Interesting to note that many of the coral records utilised by Mike Mann also failed my screening procedure’

It’s not called the “hokey stick” for nothing. Continue reading Climategate 3.0: ‘Interesting to note that many of the coral records utilised by Mike Mann also failed my screening procedure’

Climategate 3.0: NASA scientist on hockey stick: ‘what Mike Mann continually fails to understand, and no amount of references will solve, is…’

“… that there is practically no reliable tropical data for most of the time period, and without knowing the tropical sensitivity, we have no way of knowing how cold (or warm) the globe actually got. (And similarly, without knowing the tropical sensitivity for the LGM, we don’t know what it’s global cooling was, and without knowing it for 2xCO2, we don’t know what the future sensitivity would be.) It cannot be reconstructed with any confidence from the extratropical response, even if we were to know that well, because the extratropical response is partly driven by in situ feedbacks, so can occur with a variety of tropical responses….” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: NASA scientist on hockey stick: ‘what Mike Mann continually fails to understand, and no amount of references will solve, is…’

Climategate 3.0: Jones to Mann, May 20, 2005 — ‘The skeptic pillars are tumbling!’. Turns out to be counting chickens…

Counting the chickens way before they hatched, no? Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Jones to Mann, May 20, 2005 — ‘The skeptic pillars are tumbling!’. Turns out to be counting chickens…

Climategate 3.0: Jones advises Mann and others on FOIA requests — ‘Leave it to you to delete as appropriate!’

“Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act!” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Jones advises Mann and others on FOIA requests — ‘Leave it to you to delete as appropriate!’

Climategate 3.0: Jones to Mann: ‘I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone’

“[McIntyre and McKitrick] have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone.” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Jones to Mann: ‘I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone’

Climategate 3.0: Mann to Revkin — ‘McIntyre and McKitrick paper is pure scientific fraud’

Unlike the notion of estimating global temps 1,000 years ago to within tenths of a degree by analyzing tree rings? Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Mann to Revkin — ‘McIntyre and McKitrick paper is pure scientific fraud’

Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones tries and fails to have skeptic Dick Lindzen’s comments removed from draft IPCC chapter

“I didn’t succeed in getting some of Dick Lindzen’s comments removed.” Continue reading Climategate 3.0: Phil Jones tries and fails to have skeptic Dick Lindzen’s comments removed from draft IPCC chapter