Marcott: Skeptics are ‘fully-mobilized troll army’

The author of the new “hokey stick on steroids” defneds his junk science by insulting skeptics.

From the National Journal:

Marcott admitted he was apprehensive about charging into the fully-mobilized troll army, but said he was grateful scientists like Mann had “gone through hell” before him to build a support network for harassed climate scientists.

“When Michael came along there was a lot more skepticism about global warming, but the public has come a long way,” he said. “I’m curious to see how the skeptics are going to take this paper.”

One thought on “Marcott: Skeptics are ‘fully-mobilized troll army’”

  1. Still curious, Shaun? McIntyre has ripped you a new one already, using CORRECT STATISTICAL PROCEDURES that show how you and merry gang faked your research. Mann is not someone you should look up to, he is a con man and a fraud and fake Nobel prize winner.

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