German weather service attacked for denying Arctic ice behind cold weather; RealClimate-er says meteorologists not qualified to talk about climate

Of course, the recent cold spell is a weather (not a climate) effect — which maybe climatologists (aka tealeaf readers) are not qualified to discuss?

RealClimate-er Stefan Rahmsdorf writes,

… However, the taz quoted [German paper] yesterday the spokesman of the German Weather Service [DWD in German] as saying that if there was a direct relationship with the sea ice cover, the entire winter would have to be very cold in Germany. I think this trivial argument with which he would like to wipe from the table the climate research results shown above is pretty embarrassing for the DWD. O course open water in the Arctic does not override the stochastic weather patterns. There will always be warm and cold periods. In all these studies it comes down to changing probabilities in the prevailing weather patterns: Petoukhov Semenov estimate that the probability of cold winter extremes could triple, that is even in the Abstract. One wonders whether the DWD representative has read the relevant studies at all – and if not, why he feels the urge to comment on them in the media. Unfortunately, it has a certain tradition that meteorologists dealing with weather, are not familiar with climate science.

Read more at Rabbet Run.

3 thoughts on “German weather service attacked for denying Arctic ice behind cold weather; RealClimate-er says meteorologists not qualified to talk about climate”

  1. Warm weather, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes are “proof” of global warming to global warmists like Rahmsdorf and the bunny who refers to himself in third-person but cold temperatures, blizzards and snowstorms are “only weather.” Pfft

  2. Whatever you might say about climate, what’s relevant is the weather. It freezes, floods, and makes or destroys entire harvests. When it comes to the climate vs. weather argument, the climatologists seem easily forced to admit that their forecasts are so vaguely probabilistic that they’re irrelevant.

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