Eco-Terrorism: Shots fired at Pennsylvania fracking site

Anti-frackers step up their game?

From the AP:

Shots fired at W. Pa. gas drilling site

The Associated PressAssociated Press
Posted: 03/11/2013 05:21:48 PM

HARRISVILLE, Pa.—Police say there are no injuries after an apparent drive-by shooting at a Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling site in northwestern Pennsylvania.

The Butler Eagle ( reports that on Saturday a suspect in a pickup truck pointed a small-caliber rifle in the direction of a drilling rig and fired two rounds.

State police report that the occupants of the vehicle were shouting profanities at the drilling site as they fled the scene.

Authorities say there’s no known motive for the shooting, nor were there any previous threats directed at the operators of the site or its employees.

Shell Exploration & Production Co., a unit of Royal Dutch Shell PLC, owns the drilling site.

Authorities are searching for leads in the case.


8 thoughts on “Eco-Terrorism: Shots fired at Pennsylvania fracking site”

  1. I note that JS readers, most of whom probably identify as conservative, are ready to withhold judgment on the motivation for this incident. How quickly was Holmes in CO labeled (falsely) as a Tea Party member? When did the Left acknowledge Loughner, the Tucson shooter, was not moved at all by the map with the crosshairs on it?

  2. Fears of damage are from 50 caliber rifles. A 22 isn’t going to breach a pressure vessel and cause a major gas leak or explosion. A lucky shot might break a valve, but it won’t puncture the side of a tank or reactor,

    My guess, it was probably a couple of drunk idiots. Anyone wanting to do damage would have used something a whole lot stronger and attacked something that could actually explode.

  3. Nobody was injured or killed, this means it’s what the whacktivists call ‘non-violent direct action’. Why would the newspaper go out of its way to say a ‘small-caliber rifle’? Were the shooters close enough so the workers could see the bore diameter?

    By saying ‘small caliber’, the newspaper means to convey a sense that the attacking Greens were ‘not being dangerous’. If the Green Leftards did their homework, they’d note that the ‘small caliber’ .22 (about the smallest out there) ranks #2 in firearm fatalities.

    This is *not* effing innocent Green fun.

  4. Could be lots of things — enviro-wingnuts, of course, resentment over a leasing contract, angry at a worker on the site. Two shots from a small-caliber rifle would do little to the drilling gear but could have injured crew members and might damage control equipment, I guess.

  5. Just one of possible ways to express appreciation. I’ve seen lead shot embedded in windmill blades in Scotland.

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