5 thoughts on “Christie calls homeowners ‘selfish’ for resisting federal dunes project”

  1. I don’t really get it.

    Over 20 years ago, my late father-in-law took me out Dune Road in Westhampton Beach, Long Island, and showed me multi-million dollar houses being washed out to sea. He said the environmentalists had blocked any action, such as building jetties, to stop the erosion. “Let nature take its course.”

    Throughout the 90s, there was turmoil at Wrightsville Beach, NC, as the channel kept moving south, threatening Shell Island. The enviros fought it. “Let nature take its course.”

    Now, in the 20-teens, why aren’t the enviros saying, “Let nature take its course.” Why aren’t they opposing the building of dunes?

    As far as Christie calling land owners “selfish,” that sounds rather third-grade to me.

  2. There are valid reasons to object to this. If they have:
    Some evidence (or even serious, educated concerns) that the dunes will not work as advertised or will have deletrious side effectsI would listen
    Some evidence of corruption in their proposal or construction,
    Even Desires for more specific plans before signing over their property is reasonable to minimize unnecessary size on the easement.

    However, if the objection truly is due to the view, I have no sympathy.

  3. Clearly the public welfare trumps someone’s views.
    i believe the one valid objection is that the easements are very wide-ranging and do not indicate where things will be built. Basically, giving government a blank check.
    While I trust Christie, since federal funds are involved, the blank check is given to the feds in DC. Which usually doesn’t turn out too well..

  4. NIMBY and community values are disjoint. See Ted Kennedy’s reaction to offshore windmills nearly out of sight from his back yard. You would have to squint to notice them from his property.

    The cost of the “views” in New Jersey would be borne by the subsidized Flood Insurance

  5. And he should, the engineered dunes worked. The towns that had them showed significantly less damage. This is tested and proved engineering. Those who value their view jeopardize both the property and lives of others including the first responders who have to get them out. Frankly, I would use eminent domain on this one. These people don’t realize that you can’t have it both ways.

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