Arkansas Endangered Woodpecker Scam Ends; JunkScience proved right after 7 years

“This past year, a decision was very quietly made by a group of renowned scientists that put an end, officially, to a massive search effort in Arkansas. These scientists, after much study on the issue, officially declared the Ivory Billed Woodpecker extinct.”

Check out “The Great Arkansas Snipe Hunt ends” (March 5, 2013).

Check out “Woodpecker Racket” (February 2, 2006).

2 thoughts on “Arkansas Endangered Woodpecker Scam Ends; JunkScience proved right after 7 years”

  1. With Ivory import bans in place, and no more wooly mamoths, I don’t see how it could make a comeback at all 😛

  2. As far as the Nature Conservancy is concerned, and as they say, “A bird in the hand is as good as two in the bush”.

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