Daily Beast: Climate change a ‘civilization killer’; Need to ‘steamroll deniers’

“It’s quixotic to think that humanity can take any action to reverse the overtaxing of the oceans’ ability to absorb CO2 (evidenced by the seas’ increasing acidity) on any timeframe meaningful to those living today.” Continue reading Daily Beast: Climate change a ‘civilization killer’; Need to ‘steamroll deniers’

NY lobby board asked to investigate Yoko Ono, other Artists Against Fracking; Another radical group managed by Fenton Communications

“”When you are advocating for the passage or defeat of legislation or proposed legislation and spend more than $5,000, you are required to register.” Continue reading NY lobby board asked to investigate Yoko Ono, other Artists Against Fracking; Another radical group managed by Fenton Communications

The Guardian: ‘Golden years of alpine skiing to be thing of the past’ — but plenty of snow in 2013; Alps may not evidence warming until 2050

“Edoardo Cremonese, a climate change scientist with the Environmental Protection Agency of Aosta Valley, on the Italian side of the Alps, admitted that with fresh snow dusting the region it might not seem a good time to talk about global warming.” Continue reading The Guardian: ‘Golden years of alpine skiing to be thing of the past’ — but plenty of snow in 2013; Alps may not evidence warming until 2050

Booker: Let’s lose the dodgy climate advice from UK gov’t’s chief scientist – and save £165,000

“The government’s chief scientific advisers are a waste of money.” Continue reading Booker: Let’s lose the dodgy climate advice from UK gov’t’s chief scientist – and save £165,000

UK gov’t chief scientist: Enough atmospheric CO2 to guarantee extreme weather for the next 25 years

Sadly for alarmism, the Earth only re-radiates so much heat for greenhouse gases to absorb and the CO2 must compete for that. Yes, there is a surfeit of CO2 in the atmosphere, but it (and what’s added) will have little to no climatic effect. Continue reading UK gov’t chief scientist: Enough atmospheric CO2 to guarantee extreme weather for the next 25 years

UK Gov’t climate watchdog launches astonishing attack on the Mail on Sunday… for revealing global warming science is wrong

“The official watchdog that advises the Government on greenhouse gas emissions targets has launched an astonishing attack on The Mail on Sunday – for accurately reporting that alarming predictions of global warming are wrong.” Continue reading UK Gov’t climate watchdog launches astonishing attack on the Mail on Sunday… for revealing global warming science is wrong

Greenland reaps benefits of global warming; Even a few strawberries

Just a start, though, as “there is evidence that the climate was warmer [1,000 years ago], allowing Viking settlements to grow crops for five centuries before mysteriously dying out.” Continue reading Greenland reaps benefits of global warming; Even a few strawberries

The Bad Astronomer defends Michael Mann for ducking Spencer debate: Says Spencer’s beliefs justify avoiding debate

I don’t agree, therefore, I won’t debate? Continue reading The Bad Astronomer defends Michael Mann for ducking Spencer debate: Says Spencer’s beliefs justify avoiding debate

Michael Mann defends his own cowardice by insulting others; Stossel a ‘shill’ and ‘hack’; Fans an ‘army of Orcs’

Stossel invited Mann to be a guest. Mann insulted Stossel in his refusal and now again. Continue reading Michael Mann defends his own cowardice by insulting others; Stossel a ‘shill’ and ‘hack’; Fans an ‘army of Orcs’