What planet are they living on? As freezing Britain faces a grave energy crisis, ministers unveil more green gimmicks and eco taxes. What folly

From Christopher Booker. Continue reading What planet are they living on? As freezing Britain faces a grave energy crisis, ministers unveil more green gimmicks and eco taxes. What folly

Easterbrook attacked for Washington state testimony: Dept head says ‘it’s unfortunate that someone who really isn’t an active expert in their field is being chosen to discuss this important topic’

Don Easterbrook seems pretty active to us. Continue reading Easterbrook attacked for Washington state testimony: Dept head says ‘it’s unfortunate that someone who really isn’t an active expert in their field is being chosen to discuss this important topic’

NY warns investors on climate risks: Cuomo says ‘There is a 100-year flood every two years now’

More Cuomo: ““It’s inarguable that the sea is warmer and that there is a changing weather pattern.” Continue reading NY warns investors on climate risks: Cuomo says ‘There is a 100-year flood every two years now’

Global warming blamed for ‘devastating’ butterflies in the UK

“Scientists say it is possible that there have never been fewer butterflies in Britain since it was first inhabited by humans.” Continue reading Global warming blamed for ‘devastating’ butterflies in the UK

Gavin Schmidt seems a bit depressed after FOX ‘debate’ with Spencer

Post-debate tweet: “Is it ever worthwhile for a climate scientist to appear on Fox News for an interview?” Continue reading Gavin Schmidt seems a bit depressed after FOX ‘debate’ with Spencer

Climategate Leaker: Our Civilization Is Being Killed By Lying ‘Science’ Elitists

Ron Arnold on the anonymous hero who exposed the global warming emails tells the world why he did it – and releases a huge final trove of secret conversations. Continue reading Climategate Leaker: Our Civilization Is Being Killed By Lying ‘Science’ Elitists

Video: Salt Guru debunks Heart Association ‘body count’ study

Check out the latest from the Salt Guru about the claim that 2.3 million die annually because of their dietary salt intake. Continue reading Video: Salt Guru debunks Heart Association ‘body count’ study