Vitter Releases Gina McCarthy’s ‘Icing on the Cake’ Email; Will it derail her confirmation? Filibuster?

In an email, disgraced former EPA regional administrator brags about EPA’s collective action to “shame states” and boasts that “Gina’s new air rules” are the “icing on the cake.” Continue reading Vitter Releases Gina McCarthy’s ‘Icing on the Cake’ Email; Will it derail her confirmation? Filibuster?

Mississippi lawmakers pass ‘anti-Bloomberg bill,’ await governor’s signature

Mississippi on the verge of rejecting soda nannyism. Continue reading Mississippi lawmakers pass ‘anti-Bloomberg bill,’ await governor’s signature

EPA human testing scandal extends to University of Washington; Study subjects not told diesel exhaust can kill

University of Washington researchers have violated the Nuremberg Code and the federal regulations governing the conduct of human experiments, according to new documents obtained by through the Freedom of Information Act. The air pollution research in question was funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Continue reading EPA human testing scandal extends to University of Washington; Study subjects not told diesel exhaust can kill

CNN Emptyhead Mika Brzezinski: Soda is ‘killing our children… liquid poison’

As bad as the CNN emptyhead who said the recent meteor was caused by global warming. Continue reading CNN Emptyhead Mika Brzezinski: Soda is ‘killing our children… liquid poison’