Fools and Their Money: Investors Seek Ways to Profit From Global Warming — Not the Scare, the Actual Warming!

“Working under the assumption that climate change is inevitable, they’re investing in businesses that will profit as the planet gets hotter… Continue reading Fools and Their Money: Investors Seek Ways to Profit From Global Warming — Not the Scare, the Actual Warming!

Senate Foreign Relations chief Menendez plans Keystone pipeline hearing

In DC or the Dominican Republic? Possibly Al “Happy Ending” Gore could testify and, afterwards, swap party girl stories with Menendez. Continue reading Senate Foreign Relations chief Menendez plans Keystone pipeline hearing

WaPo on Snowquester Bust: ‘It’s Nature that messed this up’

“Still, I blame the storm more than I blame the computer models. The models are pretty good. It’s Nature that messed this up.” Continue reading WaPo on Snowquester Bust: ‘It’s Nature that messed this up’

New Green Slogan: ’40×35 — A Zero-Carbon Energy Target for the World’s Largest Economies’

From the Center for American Progress. Maybe Juliet Eilperin will figure a way to flack for this on her new White House beat. Continue reading New Green Slogan: ’40×35 — A Zero-Carbon Energy Target for the World’s Largest Economies’

Exxon: New oil/gas production will add 2-3% annually to GDP by end of decade

Hopdefully, that will be combine with declining Obama-ism to restart our economy. Continue reading Exxon: New oil/gas production will add 2-3% annually to GDP by end of decade

Greens: With Chavez dead, Venezuela should go low-carbon for climate

“The death of the Venezuelan president opens the door for a policy debate on a critical issue for Venezuela and the world’s security: climate change.” How about a policy debate on freedom? Continue reading Greens: With Chavez dead, Venezuela should go low-carbon for climate

Snowquester Recap: 6-10 inches predicted for DC in the morning; Actual accumulation by evening about 1 inch

But in 100 years, mean global temperature will be X-degrees higher? Continue reading Snowquester Recap: 6-10 inches predicted for DC in the morning; Actual accumulation by evening about 1 inch