Al Gore Sued Over Current TV Sale to Al Jazeera

A $5 million lawsuit claims Gore was “adamant” about not selling his network to oil-rich Qataris but had a “change of heart,” then stiffed the man who came up with the idea for the deal. Continue reading Al Gore Sued Over Current TV Sale to Al Jazeera

Arkansas Endangered Woodpecker Scam Ends; JunkScience proved right after 7 years

“This past year, a decision was very quietly made by a group of renowned scientists that put an end, officially, to a massive search effort in Arkansas. These scientists, after much study on the issue, officially declared the Ivory Billed Woodpecker extinct.” Continue reading Arkansas Endangered Woodpecker Scam Ends; JunkScience proved right after 7 years

Greens: Global warming hearing cancelled because of global warming-caused Snowquester

The “Snowquester” blizzard of 2013… BTW, so far about 1.5 inches — is brought to us courtesy of global warming, according to ThinkProgress. Continue reading Greens: Global warming hearing cancelled because of global warming-caused Snowquester