Steyer-gate: Billionaire a major supporter of Center for American Progress

Center for American Progress-endorsed Energy Secretary pick nominee Thomas Steyer is also a major financial support of the group.

As reported in Greenwire (Sep. 6, 2012):

Steyer, who also helped found the Center for the Next Generation at the liberal-leaning Center for American Progress, warned that the 2012 election presents a stark choice on energy issues.

So Juliet Eilperin wrote a puff piece in today’s WaPo for Steyer, which included an endorsement of Steyer by CAP chief John Podesta, all without disclosing that Podesta is the boss of Eilperin’s husband, Andrew Light.

Related Reading: Juliet Eilperin fails to disclose conflict in WaPo puff piece for potential Energy Secretary pick

One thought on “Steyer-gate: Billionaire a major supporter of Center for American Progress”

  1. “I think it is very important for journalists to remain independent and objective in what they are doing. And I focus, essentially, on what are actions and policies that are happening, and what are their real-world ramifications; then it empowers readers to really take action if they choose to or not — it is their decision — and what my role is, is to simply shed light on some of the critical policy issues of our day.”

    See? She is just shedding light on the policy issues made critical by her family and friends. They would remain in the dark without her.

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