Clues to climate cycles dug from south pole snow pit

“Anomalies in oxygen found in sulfate particles coincide with several episodes of the world-wide disruption of weather known as El Niño and can be distinguished from similar signals left by the eruption of huge volcanoes, the team reports in the early online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published the week of February 25.” Continue reading Clues to climate cycles dug from south pole snow pit

Military-Warmist Complex pushes climate as a security issue

Possibly the military and its mouthpieces should focus on the task in Afghanistan or perhaps the useless $130 million F-35 fighters with engine cracks or any of the host of real problems it faces… just sayin’…

“A bipartisan group of former U.S. foreign policy officials, military leaders and lawmakers pushed on Monday for action on addressing climate change in poor nations, arguing it represents a major national security threat.”

Read more at Politico.

Eugene Robinson: EPA has ‘a duty’ to block coal power plants

What about its duties to follow the laws against illegal human experiments and to submit to the Freedom of Information Act? Legitimate government is more important that climate change — real or imaginary. Continue reading Eugene Robinson: EPA has ‘a duty’ to block coal power plants

NEI: Leaking Hanford tanks have nothing to do with nuclear fuel

“While most of our readers understand that there’s no connection between these tanks full of defense waste and the used nuclear fuel that’s stored safely at plant sites around the country, that hasn’t stopped some members of the media from coming to that conclusion — something that James Conca at Forbes ably pointed out over the weekend.” Continue reading NEI: Leaking Hanford tanks have nothing to do with nuclear fuel