Feds: Wolverines need to be protected from global warming

“Wildlife advocates, who sued to force the government to act on the issue, said they hope the animal’s plight will be used by the Obama administration to leverage tighter restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions.” Continue reading Feds: Wolverines need to be protected from global warming

Human testing lawsuit dismissed; Court lacks jurisdiction to hear case against EPA

So the EPA and its researchers are free to violate all the rules of human experimentation — and no one can do anything about it. Continue reading Human testing lawsuit dismissed; Court lacks jurisdiction to hear case against EPA

NBC-17 Video Report: Alleged conflicts of interest in controversial EPA experiments

The local NBC affiliate in Raleigh, NC takes a look at the North Carolin Medical Board’s decision to ignore the conduct of physicians involved in EPA’s illegal human experiments. Continue reading NBC-17 Video Report: Alleged conflicts of interest in controversial EPA experiments