Magical Supplement: Prenatal DHA reduces early preterm birth, low birth weight

Nonsense. 350 pregnancies over 6 years. Gestation is complex. Much of the data are self-reported. The result is clinically insignificant anyway — e.g., 2.9 day longer average gestation in treated group. Continue reading Magical Supplement: Prenatal DHA reduces early preterm birth, low birth weight

Study: Scientists have overestimated capacity of wind farms to generate power

“Mesoscale atmospheric modeling looking at the mass effects of kinetic energy absorption by wind turbines suggests that the power capacity of large-scale wind farms may have been significantly overestimated.” Continue reading Study: Scientists have overestimated capacity of wind farms to generate power

City Wants Power to ‘Disarm Individuals’ During Crisis

“The new rule would allow authorities to confiscate guns of “unruly” people during an extreme weather event such as the April 2011 tornadoes or any other emergency.” Continue reading City Wants Power to ‘Disarm Individuals’ During Crisis

Study uncovers massive global yawn over global warming

“This has to be bad news for environmental activists everywhere: a massive international study, conducted in 33 countries over 17 years, shows that people just don’t care a lot about the environment.” Continue reading Study uncovers massive global yawn over global warming

Flashback: CDC says gun at home increases suicide risk by 500%

Why CDC ought not be funded to produce more junk science… if only Adam Lanza had turned his gun on himself before he turned it on others. Continue reading Flashback: CDC says gun at home increases suicide risk by 500%