Prager: Progressive Green Movement Has Morphed Into A Death Cult

“The answer is people who are more devoted to nature than to human life. And who might such people be? They are called environmentalists.” Continue reading Prager: Progressive Green Movement Has Morphed Into A Death Cult

IBD: Green Energy Has A Brownout Problem

How do you keep the power on when the wind won’t blow and the sun won’t shine? As California has discovered, it’s a problem that’s neither easy nor cheap to solve in the brave new world of renewables. Continue reading IBD: Green Energy Has A Brownout Problem

NYC Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Coal is a dead man walking’

“Even though the coal industry doesn’t totally know it yet or is ready to admit it, its day is done. … Here in the U.S., I’m happy to say, the king is dead. Coal is a dead man walking,” Bloomberg said at the Advanced Research Projects Agency — Energy (ARPA-E) Energy Innovation Summit near Washington, D.C. Continue reading NYC Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Coal is a dead man walking’

Bob Woodward: Obama Is Showing ‘A Kind Of Madness I Haven’t Seen In A Long Time’

“The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on ‘Morning Joe’ today, saying he’s exhibiting a ‘kind of madness I haven’t seen in a long time’ for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns.” Continue reading Bob Woodward: Obama Is Showing ‘A Kind Of Madness I Haven’t Seen In A Long Time’