EPA official falls ill while inspecting Fall River water treatment plant

“An inspector for the federal Environmental Protection Agency was taken to the hospital after complaining of difficulty breathing while going through the city’s water treatment plant on Tuesday.” Continue reading EPA official falls ill while inspecting Fall River water treatment plant

Of course: Former EPA chief “Richard Windsor” had some buddies

“I suppose it stands to reason that, if erstwhile EPA chief Lisa Jackson spent part of her tenure using an — er — shall we say, extracurricular e-mail account to quietly conduct EPA business and eclipse transparency laws in order to cloak the EPA’s job-killing agenda, some of the people with whom she was conspir–I mean, corresponded, probably had e-mail aliases, too. If the chief thought it was a good idea, why not get some of her lieutenants in on the scheme, too?” Continue reading Of course: Former EPA chief “Richard Windsor” had some buddies

China to introduce carbon tax — or a carbon hoax?

No doubt this is just propaganda meant for consumption by US policy makers. Alarmists can now say, “See… even China has a carbon tax.” Meanwhile, China does business as usual. Continue reading China to introduce carbon tax — or a carbon hoax?

Magical Food: Coffee decreases risk of death

“A large study of nearly half a million older adults followed for about 12 years revealed a clear trend: As coffee drinking increased, the risk of death decreased.” Continue reading Magical Food: Coffee decreases risk of death

Lights, Camera, Action: DC Police, Hansen collude for fake arrest at Feb. 14 White House climate protest

Civil theater, not civil disobedience. Continue reading Lights, Camera, Action: DC Police, Hansen collude for fake arrest at Feb. 14 White House climate protest

Sen. Vitter: New Richard Windsor Emails Show EPA’s Transparency Problem More Widespread

“New emails show acting Administrator Perciasepe used non-official email to conduct official business. EPA Region 8 Administrator, who is resigning this week, is being investigated for the same problem.” Continue reading Sen. Vitter: New Richard Windsor Emails Show EPA’s Transparency Problem More Widespread