Indian Point nuke plant shutdown would cost 3,000 jobs & $75 million in lost yearly property taxes

Plus the state wants to spend $300-$800 million on a replacement plan. Continue reading Indian Point nuke plant shutdown would cost 3,000 jobs & $75 million in lost yearly property taxes

Keystone XL will have ‘no impact on climate change’, TransCanada boss says

“”You could shut down oil sands production tomorrow and it would have absolutely no measurable impact on climate change.” Continue reading Keystone XL will have ‘no impact on climate change’, TransCanada boss says

Fossil fuel imports drive Japanese trade deficit

“Japan posted a record 1.63 trillion yen ($17.4 billion) trade deficit in January as rebounding exports lagged behind surging imports of crude oil and gas due to rising prices and the weakening yen.” Continue reading Fossil fuel imports drive Japanese trade deficit

Grist: The virtues of being unreasonable on Keystone

From Chris Horner via Twitter: “”Nuremburg-style trials” dude upset, apparently NYT journo hasn’t “crossed over into advocacy” (how does one tell?)” Continue reading Grist: The virtues of being unreasonable on Keystone

PA Marcellus topped 2 trillion cubic feet of gas in 2012

“The state’s shale gas production doubled between 2011 and 2012, even as the number of rigs drilling new wells in Pennsylvania dropped in response to lower gas prices and companies migrating to more lucrative oil shales in other states.” Continue reading PA Marcellus topped 2 trillion cubic feet of gas in 2012

Australia: Plants soaked up a third of greenhouse gases

“Australia’s landscape soaked up a third of national carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels over the past two decades, a CSIRO assessment has found.” Continue reading Australia: Plants soaked up a third of greenhouse gases