NEI: Leaking Hanford tanks have nothing to do with nuclear fuel

“While most of our readers understand that there’s no connection between these tanks full of defense waste and the used nuclear fuel that’s stored safely at plant sites around the country, that hasn’t stopped some members of the media from coming to that conclusion — something that James Conca at Forbes ably pointed out over the weekend.” Continue reading NEI: Leaking Hanford tanks have nothing to do with nuclear fuel

Putin targets secondhand smoke, cigarette sales — hopes to reverse population decline

But not too many people die from smoking in their child-bearing years. Continue reading Putin targets secondhand smoke, cigarette sales — hopes to reverse population decline

Ted Cruz: Obama is ‘the most radical president we’ve ever seen’

“… but I think an awful lot of Republicans, failed to stand for principle and contributed to getting us in this mess…” Continue reading Ted Cruz: Obama is ‘the most radical president we’ve ever seen’