Grist: The virtues of being unreasonable on Keystone

From Chris Horner via Twitter: “”Nuremburg-style trials” dude upset, apparently NYT journo hasn’t “crossed over into advocacy” (how does one tell?)” Continue reading Grist: The virtues of being unreasonable on Keystone

PA Marcellus topped 2 trillion cubic feet of gas in 2012

“The state’s shale gas production doubled between 2011 and 2012, even as the number of rigs drilling new wells in Pennsylvania dropped in response to lower gas prices and companies migrating to more lucrative oil shales in other states.” Continue reading PA Marcellus topped 2 trillion cubic feet of gas in 2012

Australia: Plants soaked up a third of greenhouse gases

“Australia’s landscape soaked up a third of national carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels over the past two decades, a CSIRO assessment has found.” Continue reading Australia: Plants soaked up a third of greenhouse gases

National Journal: Obama, enviros, frackers looking to EPA, natgas to finish off coal

“You are going to see a lot of red-state Republicans in states like Oklahoma who are going to have very difficult decisions to make.” Continue reading National Journal: Obama, enviros, frackers looking to EPA, natgas to finish off coal

Tom Harris: Climate fear-mongers’ blind faith in suspect and shoddy science

“The science fiction of attempting to actually control global climate through impractical energy policies will simply leave us hungry and freezing in the dark.” Continue reading Tom Harris: Climate fear-mongers’ blind faith in suspect and shoddy science

$142 million green energy grant used to play video games, cards

“The only explosions heard at the Michigan factory that was supposed to be producing electric car batteries came from the employees who have been playing video games like “Call of Duty” at taxpayer expense… Continue reading $142 million green energy grant used to play video games, cards