Mistake in First California Carbon Auction Raises Questions About Secrecy

“Some market players have expressed concern that the $16 million mistake overstated the real demand for carbon permits and set the price for carbon artificially high (“settlement” price of the first auction was about nine cents higher than the $10 floor price). It was a gaffe that ensured the auction would sell out, and a “hitch” that was never made public by regulators.” Continue reading Mistake in First California Carbon Auction Raises Questions About Secrecy

BP to fight government’s ‘excessive’ demands over Deepwater oil spill

“Faced with demands that are excessive and not based on reality or the merits of the case, we are going to trial.” Continue reading BP to fight government’s ‘excessive’ demands over Deepwater oil spill

Study: Exposure to air pollution is associated with increased deaths after heart attacks

Quite a claim considering that the researchers have no idea how much PM2.5 any subject was exposed to and no medical evidence anyone was killed by PM2.5. Also of note, the EPA-funded University of Rochester tested PM<sub<2.5 on heart attack victims circa 2007-2008. Continue reading Study: Exposure to air pollution is associated with increased deaths after heart attacks

Study: Diet Drinks Won’t Boost Your Appetite

“Take another sip of that Diet Coke – a new study suggests diet soda drinkers don’t eat any more sugary or fatty foods than people who stick with water instead.” Continue reading Study: Diet Drinks Won’t Boost Your Appetite

Taxpayers to pay for Wyoming windmills to power So. Calif. homes

” The Department of Energy’s Western Area Power Administration is jointly funding the TransWest Express line with the expectation of becoming a 50 percent co-owner when it is complete. And the Interior Department has agreed to expedite reviews of some of the projects.” Continue reading Taxpayers to pay for Wyoming windmills to power So. Calif. homes

EPA official falls ill while inspecting Fall River water treatment plant

“An inspector for the federal Environmental Protection Agency was taken to the hospital after complaining of difficulty breathing while going through the city’s water treatment plant on Tuesday.” Continue reading EPA official falls ill while inspecting Fall River water treatment plant

Of course: Former EPA chief “Richard Windsor” had some buddies

“I suppose it stands to reason that, if erstwhile EPA chief Lisa Jackson spent part of her tenure using an — er — shall we say, extracurricular e-mail account to quietly conduct EPA business and eclipse transparency laws in order to cloak the EPA’s job-killing agenda, some of the people with whom she was conspir–I mean, corresponded, probably had e-mail aliases, too. If the chief thought it was a good idea, why not get some of her lieutenants in on the scheme, too?” Continue reading Of course: Former EPA chief “Richard Windsor” had some buddies