Steyer-gate: Billionaire a major supporter of Center for American Progress

Center for American Progress-endorsed Energy Secretary pick nominee Thomas Steyer is also a major financial support of the group. Continue reading Steyer-gate: Billionaire a major supporter of Center for American Progress

Juliet Eilperin fails to disclose conflict in WaPo puff piece for potential Energy Secretary pick

No wonder the WaPo wants to get rid of its ombudsman (public editor) position. Continue reading Juliet Eilperin fails to disclose conflict in WaPo puff piece for potential Energy Secretary pick

Possible Pick for Energy Secretary a Finance Billionaire, Warmist, Rentseeker, Opposes Keystone XL

Imagine an energy secretary who opposes — energy. Thomas Steyer is supported by the Center for American Progress, too. Continue reading Possible Pick for Energy Secretary a Finance Billionaire, Warmist, Rentseeker, Opposes Keystone XL