UK: Food retailers underestimating calorie content of some foods, scientists say

“Dieters who eat high-fibre foods consume more calories than they think because retailers’ calorie count system is out of date.” Continue reading UK: Food retailers underestimating calorie content of some foods, scientists say

AP: Climate Contradiction — Less Snow, More Blizzards

“Shorter snow season, less snow overall, but the occasional knockout punch,” Princeton University climate scientist Michael Oppenheimer said. “That’s the new world we live in.” Continue reading AP: Climate Contradiction — Less Snow, More Blizzards

House GOP: Obama may try to bypass Congress on capping emissions

“But he warned that the Obama administration “would have a big battle on their hands,” in the form of lawsuits, if the Environmental Protection Agency tried to cap GHGs on existing power plants, as many observers expect.” Continue reading House GOP: Obama may try to bypass Congress on capping emissions