EPA Science Is the ‘New Homeopathy,’ Doctors State

“Either the EPA is lying to Congress about the lethality of PM2.5, or it is engaged in illegal and unethical human experiments, subjecting vulnerable patients to a substance it believes could kill them instantly,” states Jane Orient, M.D., president of Physicians for Civil Defense. Continue reading EPA Science Is the ‘New Homeopathy,’ Doctors State

Antarctic Ice Core Contains Unrivaled Detail of Past Climate

“A team of U.S. ice-coring scientists and engineers in Antarctica, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), have recovered from the ice sheet a record of past climate and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that extends back 68,000 years.” Continue reading Antarctic Ice Core Contains Unrivaled Detail of Past Climate

Duke Energy to close troubled Fla. nuclear plant

“The nuclear plant operated by Duke Energy’s subsidiary Progress Energy Florida has been shut down since 2009, when its concrete containment building cracked during a maintenance and upgrade project. A 2011 repair attempt resulted in new cracks in other parts of the containment structure.” Continue reading Duke Energy to close troubled Fla. nuclear plant

Blowing Hot and Cold: U.S. Belief in Climate Change Shifts With Weather

“We find that, unfortunately, a cold winter is enough to make some people, including many newspaper editors and opinion leaders, doubt the overwhelming scientific consensus on the issue.” Continue reading Blowing Hot and Cold: U.S. Belief in Climate Change Shifts With Weather

Documents: Worries About Outage Before Super Bowl

The memo said utility Entergy New Orleans and the Superdome’s engineering staff “had concerns regarding the reliability of the Dome service from Entergy’s connection point to the Dome.” Continue reading Documents: Worries About Outage Before Super Bowl