“The face of climate change ought to be people,” epidemiologist George Luber, associate director for global climate change at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview last week. “We ought to kind of internalize it.” Continue reading Global warming spreads meningitis bacteria
Day: February 4, 2013
Fracking emissions kill, says new study
Skeptical minds want to know — where are the bodies? Continue reading Fracking emissions kill, says new study
Coal industry protests ‘secret’ negotiations between enviros, EPA
Dirty deeds done secretly. Continue reading Coal industry protests ‘secret’ negotiations between enviros, EPA
Arizona sues U.S. EPA over coal power plant emission controls
“[EPA’s] absurd action… would significantly raise utility rates for most Arizonans without providing any benefit to anyone.” Continue reading Arizona sues U.S. EPA over coal power plant emission controls
New Scientist: Lefty nonsense – When progressives wage war on reason
Conservatives are apparently correct about biodegradable forks — but not climate. Continue reading New Scientist: Lefty nonsense – When progressives wage war on reason
Nat Gas: Land battles rise as U.S. eyes 450,000 miles of new pipe
Will enough gas be sold to pay the lawyers? Continue reading Nat Gas: Land battles rise as U.S. eyes 450,000 miles of new pipe
Chemicals linked to obesity in black children?
And what, pray tell, could possibly be the biological explanation for that? Continue reading Chemicals linked to obesity in black children?
Esiason: ‘Beyonce blew the electric in the Superdome twice, I’m told, during her rehearsals during the week’
The mystery over the Super power outage continues. Continue reading Esiason: ‘Beyonce blew the electric in the Superdome twice, I’m told, during her rehearsals during the week’
Cameron pushes energy efficiency as motor of green growth
Energy efficiency on a large-scale and on anything more than a temporary basis is a road to economic stagnation. Continue reading Cameron pushes energy efficiency as motor of green growth
WaPo: Could a smart grid have prevented the Super Bowl blackout?
There’s no evidence that it was a “grid” problem. Continue reading WaPo: Could a smart grid have prevented the Super Bowl blackout?
The hydra of government in medicine
Americans for Free Choice Medicine cites the EPA human testing controversy in this critique of government meddling in medicine. Continue reading The hydra of government in medicine
Obama’s climate team appears primed for action
His “green brain trust” — yeesh. Continue reading Obama’s climate team appears primed for action