New paper finds tree-ring studies underestimate climate extremes of the past

“A new paper published in Nature Climate Change finds tree-ring reconstructions of temperature, such as Mann’s infamous hockey stick, “underestimate climate fluctuations of, for example, air temperature,” due to data complicated by “the climate of past years and other factors like tree age” and precipitation.” Continue reading New paper finds tree-ring studies underestimate climate extremes of the past

Gore Goes Malthusian: Frets about accomodating growing middle class ‘on a finite planet’

What’s he worried about — a shortage of masseuses to harass? But we digress… Continue reading Gore Goes Malthusian: Frets about accomodating growing middle class ‘on a finite planet’

Peabody CEO: Super Bowl blackout provides case for coal

“Without coal, you might as well turn off half the lights not just for our favorite games but also for our cities, shops, factories and homes.” Continue reading Peabody CEO: Super Bowl blackout provides case for coal

Andrea Mitchell: Storms Show U.S. Needs To Go It Alone If Necessary On Climate Change

Andrea Mitchell isn’t about to let a good hurricane go to waste in her push for economy-wrecking climate change regulations. Continue reading Andrea Mitchell: Storms Show U.S. Needs To Go It Alone If Necessary On Climate Change

Biden vows climate change action in meeting with French president

“I was impressed in the discussion we had relative to climate change – and I mean this sincerely, Mr. President – I could have been sitting in a private meeting with President Obama,” Biden said in joint remarks with Francois Hollande following their meeting at the Elysee Palace. Continue reading Biden vows climate change action in meeting with French president