The EPA's Tainted Fracking Tests

EPA’s faulty claims of fracking-caused groundwater contamination are recounted in the WSJ.

“Meanwhile, the USGS found significantly lower concentrations of other materials identified by the EPA—including phenol, potassium and diesel-range organics—which might not have resulted from the fracking at all. The phenols were likely introduced accidentally in the laboratory, for example, and potassium might be naturally occurring or the result of potash contained in the cement used to build the EPA wells. The USGS also noted that in constructing the monitoring wells, the EPA used a “black painted/coated carbon steel casing,” and EPA photographs show that investigators used a painted device to catch sand from the wells. The problem is that paint can contain a variety of compounds that distort test results—so it is poor scientific practice to use painted or coated materials in well-monitoring tests.” [Wall Street Journal subscription required]

3 thoughts on “The EPA's Tainted Fracking Tests”

  1. You’re too kind to them. I’d suggest both vices are at work, else the scam would be harder to spot.

  2. Hanlon’s Razor applies: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

  3. I AM SHOCKED!!! It is inconceivable that a federal agency would knowingly use faulty test methods and then disseminate the results in order to pursue a policy agenda. Shocking, shocking, next thing you know we will find out that there hasn’t been any statistically significant warming in the last 16 years. Who can we trust?

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