From our American-Hater-in-Chief. Would like to hear him say that to the families of those who sacrificed life and limb for no personal advantage. Continue reading Obama: U.S. ‘Short of the Ideal’ in Afghanistan
Month: January 2013
Delingpole: Now even Pravda admits the ‘global warming’ jig is up
He means the NYTimes — even though the original Pravda slammed alarmism earlier this week. Continue reading Delingpole: Now even Pravda admits the ‘global warming’ jig is up
New National Climate Assessment Report Due Today
Meet the third report; same as the second report. Continue reading New National Climate Assessment Report Due Today
Nissan’s In Hot Water With Leaf Owners In Hot-Ass Arizona
EV batteries don’t stand up to the heat. Continue reading Nissan’s In Hot Water With Leaf Owners In Hot-Ass Arizona
Washington Free Beacon: the ‘believe-it-or-not inaugural meetings of the progressive Democracy Initiative’
A must-read piece by Matthew Continetti, stemming from – of all places, Mother Jones – on how Greenpeace and other progressives want “… to change the rules of the game so that greens and unions can push their agenda….” Continue reading Washington Free Beacon: the ‘believe-it-or-not inaugural meetings of the progressive Democracy Initiative’
White House gun plan: An end run around the NRA
“President Barack Obama is trying an end run around the NRA — rallying groups as varied as churches, medical organizations, retailers and the Rotary Club to build support for new gun regulations.” Continue reading White House gun plan: An end run around the NRA
Treaty ‘insufficient’ to reduce global mercury levels
Mother Nature is, by far, the biggest emitter. Continue reading Treaty ‘insufficient’ to reduce global mercury levels
Humanitarian: Bloomberg to limit painkillers in hospitals
In the olden days, “you did have to suffer a little bit.” Continue reading Humanitarian: Bloomberg to limit painkillers in hospitals
Energy From Wind Turbines Actually Less Than Estimated?
“The spreadsheet levelized energy cost analyses prepared by IWT project developers, currently based on 25 year useful service lives, should be revised to 17 years, to better reflect the real world, rather than the “Alice in Wonderland” world.” Continue reading Energy From Wind Turbines Actually Less Than Estimated?
China Working to Cut Idled Wind Farm Capacity, Official Says
If you don’t pay me, I’m not going to use it. Continue reading China Working to Cut Idled Wind Farm Capacity, Official Says
Japan seeks to reverse commitment to phase out nuclear power
“But the return to office last month of the conservative Liberal Democratic party (LDP) under Shinzo Abe effectively killed off the idea of a non-nuclear Japan.” Continue reading Japan seeks to reverse commitment to phase out nuclear power
The Australian: Climate results validate sceptics
“It is in part why “global warming” has been strategically rebranded as “climate change”: to overcome a conundrum that global temperatures have not followed a linear increase in a way that lobby groups find easy to explain.” Continue reading The Australian: Climate results validate sceptics