The 21st century has seen no rise in temperature, after all. Continue reading Michaels: Global warming apocalypse canceled
Month: January 2013
Other Tyrants Who Have Used Children As Props
“Obama’s shameless exploitation of children as set pieces is hardly new or original. In fact, tyrants and dictators have used kids as props down through the ages.” Continue reading Other Tyrants Who Have Used Children As Props
HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes
Thanks to Steve Milloy for alerting JunkScience readers earlier today to this 1/16/13 Huffington Post article by Climate Counts Project Director Mike Bellamente. When asked if he attempted to apply his own ‘handling’ tips to people who promote the idea of man-caused global warming, Bellamente said he did. We await to find out how that turned out for him, but let’s go ahead and try that exercise right here, shall we? Continue reading HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes
It Wasn’t Until They Did The Adjustments That They Realized The Climate Was Falling Apart
Prior to the year 2000, Hansen didn’t see any evidence that the climate was in trouble. Continue reading It Wasn’t Until They Did The Adjustments That They Realized The Climate Was Falling Apart
Hypocrite: Michael Mann gets $10K for climate talk to business group
Horner: EPA circles wagons in ‘Richard Windsor’ e-mail scandal
“In what is now known as the “Richard Windsor” lawsuit, named after the false identity I discovered outgoing administrator Lisa Jackson had created for herself, the Environmental Protection Agency hand-delivered a CD to me a few minutes before 5 PM on Monday, their deadline under a court order to produce “approximately 3,000” emails to or from Jackson’s secondary or “alias” email account(s).
As the punchline goes, that’s when the fight started.” Continue reading Horner: EPA circles wagons in ‘Richard Windsor’ e-mail scandal
How Henry Waxman knows global warming is real
Because it was warm in Buffalo yesterday? Continue reading How Henry Waxman knows global warming is real
Actual deaths identified in China from air pollution?
Of the four mentioned so far by Chinese media, two were hit by a train. Continue reading Actual deaths identified in China from air pollution?
Full List of 23 Executive Actions in Gun Violence Reduction Measures
“At President Obama’s announcement on new steps to be taken in an effort to control gun violence in the U.S., the president will sign measures which will initiate 23 separate executive actions on gun violence.” Continue reading Full List of 23 Executive Actions in Gun Violence Reduction Measures
Bob Schieffer compares defeating the NRA to ‘defeating the Nazis’
Schieffer must want to join Dan Rather in journalistic infamy. Continue reading Bob Schieffer compares defeating the NRA to ‘defeating the Nazis’
New Climate Excuse: Global warming relocates every year
So Aerosmith was unwittingly onto something last year with its Global Warming Tour. Continue reading New Climate Excuse: Global warming relocates every year
Syngenta, Bayer pesticides pose honeybee threat – EFSA
“Bayer CropScience said in a statement it did not believe EFSA’s findings altered the conclusions of previous EU assessments of its products, which found no unacceptable risks in their use.” Continue reading Syngenta, Bayer pesticides pose honeybee threat – EFSA